Gsak For Mac Download

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Geocaching Software. If you're a GPS user and get tired of hand-entering coordinates into your GPS receiver, downloading geocache information directly to your device is an enjoyable alternative, called 'paperless geocaching'. Note: GSAK has been known to run quite nicely under 'Virtual PC', 'Parallels', and 'Boot camp' on the Mac. If you are looking for a native OSX GeoCaching application try MacCaching Stefan.

Mapping The default view includes a Google map: GSAK currently uses the Google maps V3 api (locally) for displaying waypoints and their children. Hide Map - Click on this button when you do not wish to see the Google map in split screen. There are times when you don't need to see the map, and having it display all the time will slow down the rendering of your split screen.

Splitscreen - This will show just the full Google map in the spit screen. Browser - This will show the full Google map in your default browser Refresh - Force a refresh of the map - Click on this icon to open the standard Google search dialog to find a location.

Office 2016 for mac how to change account. Almost since time began, GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife) was regarded as the go-to piece of Geocaching software. But it only runs on a PC, not a Mac, and since it is stuffed with features, macros and such, it is complicated. Almost every Geocaching get-together offers one or more sessions on how to use this tool more effectively – or, at all. But technology gallops on. Today, almost everyone has a cell-phone in their pocket with some kind of 'app' that they use both for finding caches and for logging them in the field. Some of them are even capable of downloading waypoint lists to conventional GPSes through a USB connection.

Has this essentially superseded the regular use of GSAK for you? What kind of phone do you use, and what's your favorite app? Also, there are now very sophisticated web-sites, some subscription-only, such as These sites offer many of the same features as GSAK – county-maps, state maps, leader boards – and of course run on any device that can support a web browser. What's your favorite site? And, has this replaced GSAK for you?

So we use all of the above for our Geocaching adventures! GSAK is definitely our go-to when we are setting up our Garmin with the current caches, waypoints, notes, and maps. We will also use it for creating spreadsheets for cache runs and any stats we might need. But in all truthfullness we haven't taken the time to learn all of it's many capabilities or even know why we would use them all. With the many functions, filtering, and search capabilities it has, we've never needed to use them for how we cache. For our iPhones we have multiple apps depending on what we need. The official app is used for messaging or looking at souvenirs.

Gsak For Mac Download

Cachly is used when solving puzzles and becuase it is much quicker to use. Then the final app that we love is L4C has the ability to log caches with multiple users and has a mixture of capabilities that the official app and Cachly has. Our daughter does not have a premium account but we can log hers and ours at the exact same time with no issues.

Gsak windows 10

Gsak Forum

Project-GC is very beneficial to pass the time and get the information that could be seen in GSAK, but Project-GC has everything easily accessible. When it comes to getting your stat for challenge caches, Project-GC is the overall winner for us. Plus if we're randomly bored there is always new information and links to browse. So for us we have no #1 preference.if there was a site or program that had all of the above then we would use that one. But using them all is definitely our go-to for our adventures. I'm a relatively newer cacher (just over 4 years) who was kind of 'raised on' cell phone caching (I have a GPS, but use my phone for about 95% of my caching).

How To Use Gsak

I have always cached with Android (I'm currentlly using a Samsung Galaxy S9+) and use three different apps based on circumstances: • The 'standard' Groundspeak app: This gets bashed a lot, but I think they've actually made a lot of improvements. The ease of viewing lists I create on the website, the ease of using the 'Drafts' function, and the ability to easily use the 'Message' feature usually make this my first stop. Also, the trail maps on the Groundspeak app are simply the best I've seen. • c:geo: While they were working out some bugs in the GS app, I used this app a lot and really like it.

This entry was posted on 14.02.2019.